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Home Supervised Master’s Theses
Supervised Master’s Theses
- Gunter Spahn (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2000): Natürlichsprachliche Navigation in virtuellen Welten
- Stephan Reiter (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 06/2002): Automatische Emotionserkennung aus der sprachlichen und berührsensitiven Interaktion
- Ting-Yap Tong (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2003): Music Retrieval by probabilistic contextual integration of hummed, written, and spoken query
- Florian Hörger (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2003): Evaluierung von Merkmalen und Klassifikationsansätzen in der akustischen Emotionserkennung
- Juan Wang (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2003): Usability based design of a multimodal Music Information Retrieval interface
- Ronald Müller (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2003): Einsatz Bayes’scher Netze zur Interpretation von Benutzeraktionen
- Martin Hadersdorfer (external Diplomarbeit with BMW AG, TUM, 04/2004): Entwicklung eines Benutzermodells zur adaptiven Parametrisierung von ACC
- Yuping Shi (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2004): Automatische Melodieerkennung in polyphonen Audiodateien
- Raquel Jiménez Villar (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2004): Speech Emotion Recognition Combining Acoustic Features and Language Information
- Thomas Mikschl (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2006): Funktionalbasierte Zeitreihenanalyse in der audiovisuellen Mustererkennung
- Ricardo Minguez (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2007): Feature Space Optimization for Paralinguistic Speech Analysis Tasks
- Naijiang Lu (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2007): Speaker and Noise Adaptation in Acoustic Emotion Recognition (Sprecher- und Störgeräuschadaption in akustischer Emotionserkennung)
- Florian Dibiasi (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2007): Audiothumbnailing unter Verwendung von Harmonie- und Rhythmusinformation (Audiothumbnailing incorporating Harmony- and Rhythmstructure)
- Hermann Anton Karl (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 11/2007): Anwendung von Sprachmodellen in der musikalischen Progressionserkennung (Language Modeling in the Recognition of Musical Chord Progressions)
- Jin Yao (Master Thesis, TUM, 02/2008): Speech-based Emotion Recognition in Medical Operations (Sprachbasierte Emotionserkennung in Medizinischen Operationen)
- Martin Wöllmer (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2008): Speech Enhancement and Switching Models for Noise Robust Speech Recognition (Speech Enhancement und Switching Models zur störrobusten Spracherkennung)
- Florian Eyben (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2008): Detection of Non-Verbals and Disfluencies in Conversational Speech (Erkennung von Nonverbalen Ereignissen und Hesitationen in natürlichsprachlichen Dialogen)
- Yuan Ma (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 03/2008): Robust Emotion Recognition from Reverberated Speech
- Josef Zwack (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Semantic and Contextual Analysis for the Recognition of Affect in Spontaneous Speech (Semantische und kontextuelle Analyse für die Erkennung von Affekt in Spontansprache)
- Sebastian Kopp (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Ground Truth Modeling in Automatic Interest Recognition from Speech
- Xiaodi Wang (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Boosted Performance in Acoustic Paralinguistics Recognition by Word Models and Locally Optimized Feature Spaces
- Cong Hui (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 05/2008): Multi-Instance Learning for Acoustic Frame-Level Modelling of Interest
- Peter Grosche (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 05/2008): Polyphonic Automatic Music Transcription based on Real Audio (Polyphone Automatische Transkription Originaler Musikaufnahmen)
- Christoph Scheuermann (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2008): Noise-Robust Automatic Speech Recognition in Medical Operating Room Environments (Störrobuste Spracherkennung im Operationssaal)
- Tobias Knaup (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2009): Comparing Linguistic Analysis based on Online Knowledge Sources and Bags-of-N-Grams for Movie Review Valence Estimation
- Fabian Heinemann (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 04/2009): Automatic Chord Labelling in Original Recordings with Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
- Yang Sun (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2009): A Tandem BLSTM-DBN Architecture for Robust In-Car Spelling Recognition
- Haroon Jacob (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2009): Linguistic Sentence Modality Recognition in Conversational Speech
- Yunpeng Sun (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2009): Sentence Modality Recognition in Conversational Speech by Combined Acoustic and Linguistic Property Analysis (Erkennung des Satzyps in Gesprächen an Hand akustischer und linguistischer Merkmale)
- Felix Weninger (external Diplomarbeit with Informatik 12 TUM 11/2009): Applications of Non-Negative Matrix Factorization in Speech Processing
- Benedikt Gollan (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2009): An Audible Demonstrator for Music Information Retrieval Experiencing
- Xiaohua Zhang (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 10/2010): Alternative Features for Acoustic Modeling
- Christian Landsiedel (external Master Thesis with KTH Stockholm, Sweden 10/2010): Syllabification of Conversational Speech
- Erik Marchi (external Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, 01/2011): Noise Robust Acoustic Modeling for Conversational Agents
- Duc Bui Tran (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2012): Robustness of Interest and Intoxication Recognition in Prototype Systems
- Johannes Bergmann (Master Thesis, TUM, 05/2013): Implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks on Multi-Core Architectures
- Giacomo Ferroni (Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy 09/2013): Advanced Music Signal Processing for Onset Detection
- Markus Maier (Diplomarbeit with the German Heart Center / Deutsches Herzzentrum, TUM, 08/2013): Kinect integration into a biofeedback system for children under rehabilitation.
- Bernd Huber (Master Thesis, TUM): Mobile Audio Sensing
- Johanna Böhm (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2014): Automatic Recognition of Perceived Singing Quality
- Marius Telespan (Undergraduate Individual Project, Imperial College London, 06/2014): Audio Watermarking based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Beat Detection
- Jonathan Roitgrund (Undergraduate Individual Project, Imperial College London, 06/2014): A combined ASR and VAD approach to long audio alignment in movies
- Vincent Thiberville (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Musical Key Detection
- Douglas Gray (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Transcription and instrument recognition of multi-instrumental music using NMF
- Fabio Versperini(Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy): In-home Acoustic Event Detection by using LSTM and/or DNN
- Florian Groß (Master Thesis, TUM, 07/2014): Driver Intention Prediction from Fleet Data
- Nikhil George Jacob (external Master Thesis with Fraunhofer IIS Erlangen/Germany): Optimization of Speech Coding Algorithms at Low Bit Rates
- Vasileios Vryniotis (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Sentiment Analysis and the importance of Neutral Class
- Prerna Arora (Master Thesis with University of Paderborn, TUM, 02/2015): Multi-cultural Analysis of the Effect of Autism Spectrum Condition on Emotional Speech
- Jiayun Ding (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2015): A mobile app for detecting symptoms of depression from facial expressions and voice
- Sixuan Yang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
- Rob Brekelmans (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 05/2015): Classifying Emotion from Brain Activity using Machine Learning Methods
- Andrea Michi (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Deep Learning Accents of L2 English Speakers for Corrective Feedback Presentation
- Christian Nkinsi (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
- Max Rasmusen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
- Sinduran Sivarajan (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Automatic animal sound classification and retrieval
- Dharmesh Tailor (Individual JMC Project MSc, Imperial College London, 12/2015): Dynamic Active Learning for Emotional Speech Recognition
- Noppawee Apichonpongpan (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Machines Learning with Personality and Emotion
- Chris Cheung (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Voice-to-Instrument Conversion
- William McGehee (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Speaker Diarisation with Deep Neural Networks
- Angharad Thomas (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Understanding music with deep learning
- Katsushi Minamizono (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Development of a novelty detection method for audio data
- Romain Sabathé (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Music analysis using deep learning techniques
- Félix Mézičre (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Analysing and Generating electronic music with machine learning techniques
- Yifan Liu (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0216): Holistic Audio Analysis
- Gerhard Hagerer (external Master’s Thesis with audEERING GmbH, TUM, 05/2016): Integrierte Sprachaktivitätserkennung und Sprecherüberlappungserkennung mit GPU beschleunigten Long Short-Term Memory Rekurrenten Neuronalen Netzen
- Sebastian Scheffel (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 06/2016): Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks for Drone Noise Detection and Elimination
- Chan, Chun (JMC Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0217): Deep Learning for Mobile Health: Depression Monitoring on the Smartphone
- Meng, Feiyu (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0217): Emotion Recognition with Long-term User Adaptation and Machines Learning with Personality and Emotion
- Zhang, Jiehao (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0217): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
- Liu, Boqing (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0216): Speaker Diarisation and Deep Learning for Mobile Health: Depression Monitoring on the Smartphone
- Wang, Jianhong (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0216): Automatic animal sound classification and retrieval
- Michael Freitag (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Learning Meaningful Representations of Audio with Deep Neural Networks
- Nithin Thomas (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Enhancing acoustic based human trait recognition using intermediate features
- Revathi Sadanand (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Feature set optimisation for multi-linqual emotion recognition
- Mashood Tanveer (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): End-to-end Audio-based Laughter Detection
- Romeo Döring (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Collecting and Analysing Spoken Language for an Emotionally Intelligent Operating Room
- Ali Noureldine (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Multimodal sentiment analysis using neural network
- Sahib Jyot Singh Julka (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Rare Acoustic Event Detection
- Piotr Ewiak (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Active Learning for Natural Language Classification Using Bayesian Neural Networks with Uncertainty Decomposition
- Jiaxin Chen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Natural Language Processing and Attentional-Based Fusion Strategies for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
- Bingwen Wu (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
- Douglas Feitosa Tome (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): A Broad and Deep Analysis of Elastic Weight Consolidation in Large Convolutional Neural Networks
- Konstantin Hemker (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Data Augmentation and Deep Learning for Hate Speech Detection
- Rodrigo Schonburg Carrillo De Mira (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Music Composition using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Alexander Shiarella (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Intelligent Audio Analysis for Continuous Rainforest Occupancy Monitoring
- Julian Vossen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Transcribing handwritten text in images
- Damien Lancry (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Deep RL for simulated autonomous driving / video racing games
- Miriam Berschneider (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 03/2018): Stress Level Prediction Utilising Deep Multimodal Representation Learning and a Novel Data Acquisition Paradigm
- Fabian Falck (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London with University of Oxford, 03/2018): Time Series Modelling of Risk in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- Julia Krützmann (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 05/2018): Deep Transfer Learning for Non-Verbal Cue Detection Based on Speech of Autism Spectrum Condition Children
- Lukas Rust (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 07/2018): Diarization of Children Versus Adult Speech Incorporating Recent Deep Neural Network Architectures
- Kevin Bichler (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 07/2018): Automatic Feedback for Optimal Fitness Exercises Based on Heart Rate Variability
- Elisabeth Wittmann (external Master Thesis with TUM, 05/2018): Transfer Learning for Emotion Recognition on Multimodal Autism Spectrum Disorder Children Data
- Matthias Kotowski (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 12/2018): Identification and comparison of wearable devices for heart rate sensing
- Yanis Guimard (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Personalized Machine Learning for Robot Perception
- Vincent Brisse (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Trance music generation using Deep Learning
- Robert Lewis (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Active Learning for Video Understanding: Automatic Engagement Estimation from Child-robot Interactions
- Anh Nguyen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Natural Language Processing with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Nicolas Tobis (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Federated Learning for Video Understanding: Automatic Engagement Estimation from Child-robot Interactions
- Meiru Zhang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Active Learning for Video Understanding: Automatic Engagement Estimation from Child-robot Interactions
- Max Elliot (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): CNNs for Computer Audition
- Thomas Wiest (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 03/2019):
Lesion Detection on CT Images – Convolutional Neural Networks and Dynamic Computation Graphs
- Andrew Whitmore (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 04/2019): Depressive Speech Analysis Utilising Autoencoders and Convolutional Neural Networks
- Aleksander Borecki (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Disentangled Representation Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks for Emotional Voice Cloning
- Harry Coppock (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Vector Quantised-Variational Autoencoders (VQ-VAEs) for Representation learning
- Korbinian Friedl (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Machine Support for Peer Reviewing Using Review Hallucination in the Presence of Soft Labels
- Toby Godwin (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Empirical Analysis of Deep Learning Methods for Class Conditional Generation of Music
- Pranay Shah (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Bayesian Deep Reinforcement Learning for Molecular Generation and Optimisation
- Niklas Schröter (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 05/2020): An Analysis of Bias and Fairness in Affective Computing orientated Machine Learning
- Fabio Hellmann (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 06/2020): Deformable Faster-RCNN for lesion detection in CT images
- Lea Schumann (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 06/2020): Deep Learning Annotation Optimisation for Emotion Recognition
- Roopa Antony (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): Mosquito Species Classification
- Yirou Guo (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): COVID-19 Pre-diagnosis by Deep Learning-based Audio and Speech Analysis
- Zishen Li (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): Automatic estimation of heart rate from video and audio signals
- Xin Wen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): Automatic animal sound classification and retrieval
- Weitong Zhang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): COVID-19 Pre-diagnosis by Deep Learning-based Audio and Speech
- Haopeng Luo (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): COVID-19 diagnosis based on volumetric chest CT scans
- Haoguo Wu (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): COVID-19 diagnosis based on volumetric chest CT scans
- Anne Wullenweber (ERASMUS+ external Master Student with TUM, Imperial College London, 04/2021 – 11/2021): Advanced Deep Learning Methods for Speech Analysis
- Anton Jonah (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): Audio Barlow Twins: Self-Supervised Audio Representation Learning
- Matthew Barker (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): Introducing the Data FIBS Reporter – an open source toolkit for automated Feature Importance, Baseline modelling, and potential Spurious correlation detection
- Yu Chen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): Multimodal Emotion Recognition with More Robust Feature Extraction
- Liu Hongye (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): Emotion Recognition in Speech and further Modalities
- Yuzhao Peng (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): COVID-19 Pre-diagnosis by Deep Learning-based Audio and Speech Analysis
- Hwi Hsien Lew (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2023): Multi-Modal Human Emotion Recognition
- Ryan Perkins (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2023): Stable diffusion for Speech Spectrograms
- Tianyu Wang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2023): Automatic animal sound classification