Björn Schuller: “Chatbots und psychische Gesundheit”, invited talk, Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen, Lindau, Germany, 27.04.-02.05.2025.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Breathing Intelligence: Inhaling Data, Exhaling Digital Respiratory Health Models”, Audio based AI for Respiratory Health Monitoring Event, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 13.03.2025.
Björn Schuller: “Dil Se: Digital Psychology with Social AI”, invited distinguished lecture, IEEE Signal Processing Society Madras Chapter, Chennai, India, 03.2025.
Björn Schuller: “Der Klang von COVID-19: Die post-pandemische Perspektive”, invited talk, DGSS Webinar, Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für Sprach- und Stimmheilkunde e.V. (DGSS), online, Germany, 02.2025.
Björn Schuller: “Can empathy be unethical? Let’s talk about AI”, invited talk, Workshop EMAC – Ethics Meets Affective Computing, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, 30.-31.01.2025.
Björn Schuller: “tba”, invited talk, “AI + pizza”, invited talk, CAIS: Cambridge AI Social, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 2025.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing in the Era of Large Language Models“, invited talk, Huawei Head Quarters, Shenzhen, China, 13.01.2025.
Björn Schuller: “AI in Health: From Sci-Fi to Sholay – Revolutionising Care with Tech Magic”, invited online IEEE Distinguished Lecture, National Institute of Technology – Silchar (NIT Silchar), Silchar, India, 16.12.2024.
Björn Schuller: “KI aus dem Sack – Die Nikolaus und Krampus Perspektiven”, invited lecture, Weihnachtsvorlesung der Fakultät für Informatik, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Landshut, Germany, 13.12.2024.
Björn Schuller: “GenAI Plus EEG Equals Tomorrow’s Music Intervention?”, invited talk, GN, Copenhagen, Denmark, 02.12.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Tiefes Lernen und Basismodelle in der Audiologie von morgen”, invited talk, Oticon Symposium 2024, Oticon, Hamburg, Germany, 21.11.2024.
Björn Schuller: “SWOT 2.0”, invited talk, GN Scientific AB meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25.-26.10.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Decoding Infant Affect: AI-Driven Models for Vocalisation Analysis”, The origins of vocal emotions – Workshop on Infant’s Affective Vocalizations, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 03.-04.10.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Dawn of the Digitalized Health Age: What is next?”, invited talk, Research & Innovation Forum “New Research Identity for a Better KSA and World,” King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 02.-03.10.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Audio Intelligence in Medicine”, invited talk, 7th Sonova Audiological Care Educational Virtual Symposiums for ENT & GP Doctors “How artificial intelligence can support hearing healthcare”, Sonova Audiological Care, 25.09.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing: The Rise of Emotional Machines”, invited online Distinguished Lecture, National Institute of Technology – Silchar (NIT Silchar), Instrumentation and Measurement Society / Control Systems Society / Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter NIT Silchar, Silchar, India, 23.09.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing … has changed.”, invited talk, Proceedings of the IEEE Webinar on Affective Computing, IEEE, online, 16.09.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing Coming to Life – The Academic Perspective”, invited talk, “From Lab to Life: Realising the Potential of Affective Computing”, Workshop at the 12th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), AAAC/IEEE, Glasgow, UK, 15.09.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Usage and Development Trends of Industrial Applications based on Large Language Models – A Global Perspective”, invited talk, World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), Cloopen, Shanghai, China, 04.-06.07.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Opportunities and pathways for progress of digital health and AI in PID care 10 years from now”, invited talk, 2nd IPOPI Global Stakeholders Summit 2024, Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies (IPOPI), Cascais, Portugal, 01.-02.07.2024.
Björn Schuller: “AI for a better tomorrow“, invited talk, China (Shenzhen Bao’an) – Germany (Munich) Economic and Trade Cooperation Exchange Conference, AI For Developing Countries Forum, Munich, Germany, 10.06.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Artificial Intelligence in E-Mental Health”, invited talk, 12th Annual Meeting ISRII, International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Limerick, Ireland, 02.-05.06.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Pecha Kucha”, invited talk, NII Shonan Meeting: Intelligent Interaction with Autonomous Assistants in the Wild, Seminar 188, Shonan Village Center, Japan, 26.–30.05.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Ist Künstliche Intelligenz gesund? Intelligente Gesundheitsbegleitung im Alltag und ihre Herausforderungen.”, Symposion in der Residenz, Würzburger Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V., Würzburg, Germany, 17.05.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Altruistic Artificial Intelligence: Pioneering Compassionate Solutions from Health to Habitat”, invited Distinguished IEEE SPS lecture, IEEE SPS SBC, IIT Kharagpur, India, 15.05.2024.
Björn Schuller, Oliver Niebuhr: “The Power of the Human Voice – Exploring the Hidden Layers of Meaning”, invited online talk, Voice Perception Webinar, Danish Sound Cluster, Denmark, 07.05.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Audio Game: The Foundation Model Style”, invited talk, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea, 15.04.2024.
Björn Schuller: “AI for a Better Tomorrow – A Wild Journey”, invited talk, Mentoring Seminar, NEOSCHOLAR Education Group, online, 26.04.2024.
Björn Schuller: “KI-basierte Unterstützungssysteme – von ChatGPT bis Recall-Systeme”, invited talk, 90. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie (DGK), DGK, Mannheim, Germany, 03.-06.04.2024.
Björn Schuller: “AI’s Sound Check to Check if You’re Sound”, invited online lecture, China Audio Industry Association (CAIA), online, China, 21.03.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Audiology in the Age of Large Audio Models”, invited talk, 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Aalen, Germany, 06.-08.03.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Hear for Health: Putting AI into the Equation”, invited talk, HöReN Seminar, Hörzentrum, Klinikum rechts der Isar (MRI), Munich, Germany, 07.02.2024.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition”, invited tele-talk, NEOSCHOLAR, USA, 13.12.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Guardians of the Networks: Charting a Course for AI Ethics & Regulations”, invited talk, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence: Lever for the Transformation of Education, Training, and Scientific Research, Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research, Rabat, Morocco, 12.-13.12.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Computer Audition Disrupted 2.0: The Foundation Models Era”, invited talk, Machine Learning for Audio Workshop at NeurIPS 2023, New Orleans, USA, 10.-16.12.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Navigating AI through the Peaks and Valleys of Emotion in Spoken Mandarin”, invited talk, Workshop of Multimodal, Multilingual and Multitask Modeling Technologies for Oriental Languages (M3Oriental) at ACM Multimedia Asia 2023, ACM, Tainan, Taiwan, 08.12.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing: The Endgame?”, invited talk, LIG Seminar, Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, 28.11.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Foundation Models Part II: Beyond Language”, invited talk, Academic Frontiers Lectures Series, Central Conservatory of Music (CCoM), Beijing, China, 21.11.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Human-centred AI in the Foundation Model Era”, invited talk, China-Foreign Engineering and Technology Exchange Program 2023: Artificial Intelligence Safety and Big Model Development, Tsinghua University and RealAI, AAIA, Beijing, China, 17.11.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Foundation Models Part I: Language”, invited talk, Academic Frontiers Lectures Series, Central Conservatory of Music (CCoM), Beijing, China, 15.11.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Artificial Music Intelligence: Still Composing Yourself?”, invited talk, 2nd Summit on Music Intelligence (SOMI), Central Conservatory of Music (CCoM) / Chinese Academy of Artificial Intelligence (CAAl), Beijing, China, 28.-30.10.2023.
Björn Schuller: “SWOT”, invited talk, GN Scientific AB meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26.-27.10.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Artificial Intelligence for clinical and non-clinical purposes”, invited talk, European Health Summit, Friends of Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 09.-10.10.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Tomorrow’s Digital Mental Health: Do not fear Large Models?”, invited talk, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, 30.09.2023.
Björn Schuller: “KI & ich: Morgen wird alles anders?”, invited talk, Workshop “Wandel gestalten: Mitarbeitende fit machen für dynamische Zeiten”, invited talk, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, 26.09.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing: The world has changed.”, invited talk, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 25.09.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Emergence in Large Language Models: Does ChatGPT Recognise Suicidal Risk?”, invited talk, A*STAR “Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities with Large Language Models and Large Multi-Modal Pre-Trained Models in Affective Computing”, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), online, Singapore, Singapore, 18.07.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Multimedia Processing”, invited talk, 10th International Summer School on Deep Learning (DeepLearn 2023 Summer), IRDTA, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 17.-21.07.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Every time we fire an expert, the performance goes up? From features to foundation models”, invited talk, ELLIS Stuttgart Distinguished Lecture Series, ELLIS/University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 04.07.2023.
Björn Schuller: “AI for Perceiving Robots: Feelings Involved”, invited talk, Agile Robots, Munich, Germany, 01.07.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Emerging Intelligence in Foundation Models: What ChatGPT and peer AIs know about Emotions”, invited honored speaker talk, Huawei Cloud InnovWave Overseas Workshop 2023 (HCIO), Huawei, Munich, Germany, 28.-30.06.2023.
Björn Schuller: “AI in Health: A Sound Solution?”, invited talk, TechDays 2023, Munich, Germany, 26.-27.06.2023.
Andreas Triantafyllopoulos, Björn Schuller: “Adaptive noise removal using deep noise embeddings”, invited talk, 50. Erlanger Kolloquium, WS Audiology, Erlangen, Germany, 15.-16.06.2023.
Björn Schuller: “”ChatGPT, wie wird Kardiologie 2030?” – Über KI in der Medizin von Morgen”, invited tele-talk, BNK-online Fortbildungsreihe „Kardiologische Frühjahrs-Auslese“, Bundesverband Niedergelassener Kardiologen e.V. (BNK), Germany, 25.03.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Pecha Kucha”, invited talk, NII Shonan Meeting: Everlasting Social Signal Processing – From Labs into the Real World, Seminar 196, Shonan Village Center, Japan, 12.–16.03.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Will Affective Computing Emerge from Foundation Models and General AI?”, invited talk, Singapore Symposium on Sentiment Analysis (S3A 2023), NTU, Singapore, Singapore, 09.03.2023.
Björn Schuller: “„Nutzer, Du klingst so traurig, obwohl Du lachst?“ – Was KI über Gefühle weiß”, invited talk, Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), Paderborn, Germany, 15.02.2023.
Björn Schuller: “KI-Anwendungen in der Medizin mit Ausblick auf TCM”, invited talk, Wirtschaftsdialog Wuxi – München zum chinesischen Laternenfest, Committee of Wuxi Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone/Jiangsu-IHKW, Munich, Germany, 05.02.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Speech Emotion Recognition – Emerging as I Speak.”, invited tele-talk, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 03.02.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Intelligence in Digital Psychiatry: Would Wundt Woo?”, invited talk, Center for Mental Health Lecture, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 12.01.2023.
Björn Schuller: “Current/Future Mega Trends of Meta Technologies in Communication Experience”, invited talk, GN Scientific AB meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 08.-09.12.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Speak Softly Love: Lending AI the Human Touch”, invited talk, University of Durham, Durham, UK, 22.11.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Diagnosing COVID-19 through Audio AI”, invited talk, BioTechX Congress 2022, Terrapinn, Basel, Switzerland, 08.-10.11.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Speech and Voice-based Detection of Mental and Neurological Disorders: Traditional vs Deep Representation and Explainability”, invited tele-talk, Harvard-MIT speech and language biomarkers interest group, Harvard University / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 03.11.2022.
Björn Schuller: “AI + IoT = Save Your Health + the Environment?”, invited tele-lecture, Expert Forum in Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China, 29.09.2022.
Björn Schuller: “What is AI? – Definition, foundations, some features & problems, and its evolution”, invited tele-talk, First Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI4D), Al Akhawayn University and Engage-AI, 14.-16.09.2022, Ifrane, Morocco.
Björn Schuller: “A Sneak Preview of Tomorrow’s Automated Mental Healthcare”, invited tele-talk, Intelligent Medicine Journal, Elsevier, 26.08.2022.
Björn Schuller: “KI und Autismus”, invited talk, Workshop Soziale Roboter in der Therapie von Kindern mit Autismus, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, 11.08.2022.
Björn Schuller: “AI for Us & the Good Cause”, invited talk, Fraunhofer, Munich, Germany, 09.08.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Medizin 4.0 – Chancen und Risiken”, invited talk, Ferienseminar für besonders begabte und vielseitig interessierte Schüler und Schülerinnen der 11. Jahrgangsstufe in Schwaben, Hohenschwangau, Germany, 01.-05.08.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Multimedia Processing”, invited talk, 7th International Summer School on Deep Learning (DeepLearn 2022 Summer), IRDTA, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 25.-29.07.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Signal Processing for Future Wireless Communication Systems – Theory to Practice: A Machine Learning Approach”, invited tele-talk, Faculty Development Program, Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Tadepalligudem, India, 18.-29.07.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Learning Health – To Choose Wisely”, invited talk, Informatik im Gesundheitswesen – Health Informatics, TU München, Munich, Germany, 12.07.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Computer Audition: Going Deep Down the Rabbit Hole”, invited tele-talk, Data Science Seminar Series, Centre for Applied Research in Data Science, IIT Ropar, Ropar, India, 06.07.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Bias im Machine-Learning: Auch Maschinen neigen zu Verzerrungen – Wie Maschinen wirklich denken”, invited tele-talk, Kongress der Deutschen Marktforschung 2022, BVM, Frankfurt, Germany, 20.-21.06.2022.
Björn Schuller: “NLP and the Future of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing”, invited talk, Inspire X Talks, Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany, 17.05.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Agentenbasierte, Interaktive, Tiefe 0-shot-learning-Netzwerke zur Optimierung von Ontologischem Klangverständnis in Maschinen”, invited tele-talk, GIBU 2022 Jahrestreffen des Beirates der UniversitätsprofessorInnen in der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), GI, Dagstuhl, Germany, 10.–12.04.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Real Artificial Audio Intelligence – Computers can also Hear.”, invited tele-talk, KUIS AI Talks series, KUIS AI Center, Koc University, online, Istanbul, Turkey, 29.03.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Ask me Anything on Artificial Emotional Intelligence and more”, invited Distinguished Lecture / Session for the IEEE Silicon Valley’s CS Chapter, IEEE, online, Silicon Valley, USA, 22.03.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Self-Supervision for Audio”, invited tele-talk, AAAI Workshop Human Centric Self-Supervised Learning (HCSSL) in conjunction with the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 22.02.-01.03.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Novel AI-based COVID-19 Diagnosis: Video, Audio, Cardio“, invited tele-talk, COVID-19: Biomedical Insights Into An Evolving Epidemic (BIEE3), National University of Singapore, online, Singapore, Singapore, 14.02.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning”, invited tele-talk, CIS program, NEOSCHOLAR, USA, 11.01.2022.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing – from Bench to Business”, invited talk, Deloitte AI Institute, Deloitte MCS Limited, online, UK, 08.11.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Is it safe to speak? On security in and by deep speech processing”, invited talk, Lorentz center Workshop, Speech as Personal Identifiable Information, NIAS, Leiden, the Netherlands, 01.-05.11.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Ambient Personalised Health Intelligence: T-minus 3”, invited talk, Big Data World – Genomics Live, Terrapinn, Basel, Switzerland, 02.-04.11.2021.
Björn Schuller: “The Treacherous Language of Alzheimer: Exposed by Agent AI”, invited talk, Second International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Dementia Prevention & Intervention in Dementia Care (AIDEM 2021) within the Third Krems Dementia Conference 2021, virtual, Krems, Austria, 29.10.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Computational Speaker Analysis: Preparing for the Launch.”, invited talk, Speaker Focus Talk, Speaker Consortium, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IIS, Germany, 28.10.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Computer Audition: The latest Bucket List including Save the Planet.”, invited talk, Informatik-Kolloquium, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 25.10.2021.
Björn Schuller and Shahin Amiriparian: “Speech and General Audio Analysis for Social Computing”, invited 3-day Workshop, Social ComQuant, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, 06.-08.10.2021.
Björn Schuller, “Computer Audition: For Real.”, GN AI Forum, GN Audio A/S / Jabra, online, Denmark, 06.10.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Recent Advancement in Speech Signal Processing”, invited lecture, Online Short Course on “Deep Learning-Based Speech Processing Techniques for Smart Health and Education Systems-Concepts, Recent Trends and Key Challenges”, Technology Innovation Hub created for Speech, Text, and Video Analytics, TIH/IIT Patna, India, 20.-25.09.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Human Signal Processing”, invited half-day tele-lecture, IEEE SPS/EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing for Human-Machine Communication and Interaction (S3P-HMCI), IEEE/EURASIP, online, Italy, 06.-10.09.2021.
Björn Schuller: “AI, MD? Human-centred Intelligent Support for Therapy Decisions”, invited talk, LMU, Munich, Germany, 28.07.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Signal Processing”, invited talk, 4th International Summer School on Deep Learning (DeepLearn 2021), IRDTA, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 26.-30.07.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Künstliche Intelligenz in der Inneren Medizin – Ein kurzer Reiseführer”, invited talk, Internistentag, Bund Deutscher Internisten (BDI), Stuttgart, Germany, 24.07.2021.
Björn Schuller: “AI for Health: First on the Scene?”, invited lecture, Xiamen University (Malaysia Campus), online, 05.07.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Translational AI for Ambient Digital Health Services”, invited talk, 7th Imperial MedTech Link on AI and Healthcare, Imperial College London, London, UK, 13.07.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Creative Industries and COVID: Ambient Health Intelligence”, 2nd EU-Mexico Creative Industries Forum (FIC): Creative Industries and the pandemic: Innovative solutions in the health sector, tourism, and hospitality, Goethe Institute, Mexico, 14.-28.06.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Ambient Health Intelligence: Sensing from your Watch to your Fridge”, invited tele-talk, Mobicentre Seminar Series, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 24.05.2021.
Björn Schuller, “Digital Health & Care in Augsburg: Impulse”, Zukunftsforum Wirtschaftsraum Augsburg A3 2030, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH/Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH, Augsburg, Germany, 18.05.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Three Steps to Make Computers Change Communication: For Good, For Bad, Forever?”, invited tele-talk, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 14.04.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Digitale Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten der KI in der ambulanten Patientenversorgung”, invited tele-talk, 87. Jahrestagung 2021 der DGK, DGK, Mannheim, Germany, 07.-10.04.2021.
Björn Schuller: “AI in Medicine – From the lab to the street?”, invited tele-talk, AI in Medicine series, TUM, Munich, Germany, 11.03.2021.
Björn Schuller: “There will be Artificial Emotional Intelligence”, invited tele-talk, AI Excellence Lecture Series, AI4Media/AIDA, 09.03.2021.
Björn Schuller: “COVID-19 and Computer Audition”, invited tele-talk, AI 360, Imperial College London, London, UK, 03.03.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Möglichkeiten von Digitalisierung, Telemedizin und Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Medizin”, invited tele-talk, BNK-online Fortbildungsreihe „BNK@home“, Bundesverband Niedergelassener Kardiologen e.V. (BNK), Germany, 24.02.2021.
Björn Schuller: “AI for You & I”, invited Inaugural Lecture, Imperial College, London, UK, 27.01.2021.
Björn Schuller: “面向医疗的个性化联邦学习 (Personalized Federated Deep Learning for Health)”, Workshop :“面向复杂场景的联邦学习算法与应用” (Federated Learning for Applications in Complex Systems), invited tele-talk, Industry-University Research Alliance for Knowledge Federation, Zhejiang University, China, 08.-12.01.2021.
Björn Schuller: “Mobile Digital Health for COVID-19: Ready, Set, … Go?”, invited tele-talk, International Symposium on Digital Health 2020 (ISDH2020), ISDH, Hong Kong, China, 03.12.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Ambient Health Intelligence”, invited tele-talk, Beyond the Patterns, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 09.11.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning for Tomorrow’s Spoken Communication Analysis”, invited tele-talk, Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Deep Learning for Visual Computing and Communication (DLVCC-20), ECE Department, NIT Silchar, TEQIP III, Silchar, India, 15.-21.10.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Listening to the sound of COVID”, invited tele-talk, Sounds of COVID-19 Workshop – First Virtual Workshop on Automatic Diagnostics of COVID-19 Sounds, University of Cambridge, UK, 25.09.2020.
Björn Schuller: “AI for Health Care & Wellbeing”, invited tele-talk, AInet Scientist-Talk: Computational Biology and AI for Health, DAAD, Germany, 16.09.2020.
Björn Schuller: “您想学习人工智慧吗?从中国到英国。”, invited tele-talk, Torhea Education, 13.09.2020.
Björn Schuller: “AIs Hear You: Blessings and Curses of Automatic Speaker Analysis”, invited tele-talk Session “Artificial Intelligence: A blessing or a threat for society?”, European Science Open Forum (ESOF 2020), Trieste, Italy, 02.-06.09.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Wear for Care: Deep Mobile Health Sensing”, invited tele-talk, S3B2-ML: Summer school on sensor-based behavioral machine learning, University of Southern California, Marina Del Rey, CA, USA, 03.-12.08.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Computer Audition for COVID-19”, invited tele-talk, Tech Days 2020, Munich, Germany, 15.06.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Human-centric AI for COVID-19”, invited tele-talk, AI + COVID-19, Couch Lessons, Goethe Institute, Germany, 20.05.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Human-centred Health Intelligence 2.0”, invited tele-talk, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, 11.05.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Health Intelligence 24/7”, invited talk, Highgate Scientific and Literary Institution (HLSI), London, UK, 13.02.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Computational Paralinguistics: Season 3, Episode 1.”, invited talk, Colloquium for Computational Linguistics and Linguistics in Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 20.01.2020.
Björn Schuller: “Companion Health Intelligence”, invited talk, Vortragsreihe Digitale Medizin, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 14.01.2020.
Björn Schuller: “The Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence”, invited Henry Stewart (HS) Talk, The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, UK, 2020.
Björn Schuller: “Artifical Intelligence for tomorrow’s Digital Health”, invited Inaugural Lecture, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, 13.12.2019.
Björn Schuller: “AI meets Voice – The Geheimwaffe of mHealth?”, invited talk, Informatics Seminars, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, 11.10.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning for Intelligent Signal Processing”, invited talk, Autumn School on Machine Learning, SRNSFG, Tiflis, Georgia, 03.-11.10.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Maschinelle Lernmethoden im Marketing: Die Tiefen, die Klassischen und die Elementaren”, invited talk, Augsburger Marketing Tag, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, 26.09.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Emotionally Intelligent Robots: Soon Coming Near You?”, invited talk, International Symposium on Machine Intelligence for Future Society 2019, Tokyo, Japan, 09.-10.09.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Medizin 4.0 – Chancen und Risiken”, invited talk, Ferienseminar für besonders begabte und vielseitig interessierte Schüler und Schülerinnen der 11. Jahrgangsstufe in Schwaben, Hohenschwangau, Germany, 29.07.-02.08.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Social Speech Processing”, invited talk, 3rd Summer School Series on Methods for Computational Social Science, Volkswagen Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 22.-27.07.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Hands-on: Deep Learning Toolkits”, invited talk, 3rd Summer School Series on Methods for Computational Social Science, Volkswagen Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 22.-27.07.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning for Intelligent Signal Processing”, invited talk, 3rd International Summer School on Deep Learning (DeepLearn 2019), IRDTA, Warsaw, Poland, 22.-26.07.2019.
Björn Schuller: “A.I. & Speech: A Silent Antropomorphism?”, invited talk, Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft (ZAK) Colloquium Fundamentale / CuLTURE China – KIT Network for Innovation in Cultural Learning and Training in a University and Research Environment, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany, 27.06.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence: Summer is Coming”, invited talk, Chongqing University, Chongqing, P.R. China, 23.05.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Artificial Audio Intelligence on the Go”, invited talk, Huawei Strategy and Technology Workshop (STW 2019), Huawei, Shenzhen, P.R. China, 14.-16.05.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Audio and Speech Analysis for Health and Beyond”, invited talk, European Patent Office, Munich, Germany, 29.03.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing via Multimodal Analysis”, Joint Workshop between Telecom ParisTech & Imperial College London, London, UK, 26.03.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Digital Companion: The Affective Speech Assistant”, invited talk, Future-oriented Innovation & User Experience Workshop 2019, Huawei, Munich, Germany, 27.02.-01.03.2019.
Björn Schuller: “A.I. – A magic wand for positive changes in Psychotherapy?”, invited talk, Forschungskolloqium Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Universität Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 15.01.2019.
Björn Schuller: “Minimalistic Vocal Features of Typical and Atypical Development”, invited talk, International Workshop on Human Voice and Early Development, Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland, 05.-07.12.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Multimodal machine learning as a building block for social interaction”, invited talk, Shonan Seminar on Multimodal Agents for Ageing and Multicultural Societies, NII, Shonan Village, Japan, 28.10.-01.11.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Audiovisual Eating Analysis and Tracking – A Challenge”, invited talk, 3rd Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction (MHFI 2018) held in conjunction with the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2018), ACM, Boulder, CO, 16.10.2018.
Björn Schuller: “K.I. für Gesundheitsüberwachung im Alltag”, invited talk, Fachtagung K.I. in der Medizintechnik, Forum MedTech Pharma, München, Germany, 11.10.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Satisfaction Client: Prendre la Mesure de la Parole”, invited talk, Customer Satisfaction Challenges, GN Jabra, Paris, France, 24.09.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Erfolgsfaktor Deep Learning: Nutzen Sie die Revolution in der künstlichen Intelligenz”, invited talk, Deutscher IT-Leiterkongress, Wolters Kluwer, Düsseldorf, 17.-19.09.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Audio Intelligence for Wellbeing and Hearing Well”, invited talk, GN Scientific AB meeting, Lund, Sweden, 11.-12.09.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning for Affective Computing”, IAPR Summer School on Machine and Vision Intelligence (VISMAC 2018) , IAPR, Vico Equense, Italy, 27.-31.08.2018.
Florian Metze, Björn Schuller: “Speech processing tools for the study of infants’ language environments”, invited plenary talk, CIIPME CONICET Encuentro sobre lenguaje cognición e interacción social en la primera infancia, Buenos Aires, Argentinia, 16.-18.08.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning for Audio Scene Analysis and Audio/Visual Fusion”, invited lectures, ITMO’s Summer School on Audio-Visual Technologies for Scene Analysis based on Deep Learning, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 02.-04.08.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing – State of the Art”, invited talk, EVA-2018: 6th French-German BMW Summer School on Intelligent Cars on Digital Roads – Frontiers in Machine Intelligence: Emotion-aware Vehicle Assistants, Raitenhaslach, Germany, 29.07.-03.08.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning for Signal Analysis”, invited tutorial lecture, 2nd International Summer School on Deep Learning (DeepLearn 2018), IRDTA, Genova, Italy, 23.-27.07.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Artificial Socioemotional Intelligence – A Snapshot”, invited talk, Symposium on Social and Affective Computing Technologies, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 19.07.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing”, invited talk and lecture, 6th edition of visum (VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence) summer school, Porto, Portugal, 06.-13.07.2018.
Björn Schuller: “K.I. für mobile digitale Gesundheit: Von Diagnose und Behandlung zu Früherkennung und Prävention”, invited talk, Digital Breakfast, Center Digitisation.Bavaria (ZD.B), Garching, Germany, 21.06.2018.
Björn Schuller: “A.I. – Affective Intelligence…?”, invited talk, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P.R. China, 19.05.2018.
Björn Schuller: “健康智能感知:从心脏到心灵 – Intelligent Sensing for Health: From the Heart to the Soul”, invited talk, Shenzhen University General Hospital, Shenzhen, P.R. China, 16.05.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Human-centred A.I. – Opportunities and Challenges”, invited talk, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, P.R. China, 14.05.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Artificial Communication Intelligence 2.0 – The Rise of Socioemotional Assistants”, invited talk, 6th Global A.I. Assistant Summit, Re-Work, London, UK, 15.-16.03.2018.
Björn Schuller: “A.I. Grand Challenges, and the Cases Speech & Wellbeing”, invited talk, Senior Leadership Workshop Pervasive Systems Research, Bell Labs, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 14.-15.03.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Multimodal Emotion & Engagement Recognition for Serious Games & Training”, 2018 AAAC/4TU.H&T/SIKS Winterschool on Affective Computing and Social Signal Processing, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 12.-16.03.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Can A.I. have Emotions?”, invited Funzing/LDN talk, London, UK, 05.03.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning for Health & Wellbeing”, invited talk, Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, London PhD Network (LPN), Francis Crick Institute, London, UK, 12.02.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Can A.I. have Emotions?”, invited Funzing/LDN talk, Trapeze, London, UK, 08.02.2018.
Björn Schuller: “All Content about Computational Affective Content Audio-Analysis?”, invited talk, The AAAI Workshop on Affective Content Analysis (AffCon 2018), satellite of the 32nd AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2018), New Orleans, LA, 03.02.2018.
Björn Schuller: “Computationally Characterising Humans in Multimedia”, invited talk, Adobe Research, Big Data Experience Lab, Bangalore, India, 20.12.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Superhuman Speech Analysis? Getting Broader, Deeper, and Faster”, invited talk, IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU 2017), IEEE, Okinawa, Japan, 16.-20.12.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Exploiting Deep Learning: Most Significant Bits & Pieces”, invited talk, ML Conference – the Conference for Machine Learning Technology & Strategy, S&S Media Group, Berlin, Germany, 04.-06.12.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Voice & Banking in the Digital Age”, invited talk, Workshop Voice im Bankenumfeld, Spacherkennung, -steuerung, -analyse und -biometrie im Kontext Banking, Fiducia & GAD IT AG, Munich, Germany, 20.11.2017.
Björn Schuller: “New Kid on the Block: Embedded Audio Intelligence for Health, Sports & Wellbeing”, 5th Medica Medicine and Sports Conference, Medica, Düsseldorf, Germany, 15.11.2017.
Björn Schuller: “iHEARu – Intelligent Systems’ Holistic Evolving Analysis of Real-life Universal speaker characteristics”, META-FORUM 2017, Brussels, Belgium, 13.-14.11.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Big Data, Zero Labels?”, invited opening talk, Passau Summit on Data Science (PasDaS 2017), Passau, Germany, 12.-13.10.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Profiling: What Your Words Tell a Neural Net these Days”, Language-Logic-Learning Workshop (3L), Imperial College London, London, UK, 21.09.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Trends and Applications in Affective Computing”, Campus of Senses, Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, Germany, 15.09.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Affect, Behaviour, and the City”, invited talk, Global Fellows Programme “Cities of the Future”, ICL/TUM, Burghausen, Germany, 17.-21.07.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Computing on the Road”, invited talk, DRIVE-ME, 5thFrench-German BMW Summer School for PhD Candidates and Junior Scientists, BMW Group/TUM/EURECOM, Bad Wörishofen, Germany, 09.-14.07.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Socioemotional Media Intelligence”, invited talk, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, 06.07.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Overall, how would you describe your mood? – Active and Passive Voice Monitoring in mHealth for Wellbeing”, invited talk, Advancing Wellbeing Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 01.05.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Voice Analytics 2.0 – When Science meets Business in a Rapidly Growing Field”, invited talk, Affectiva, Boston, MA, 28.04.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Automatic Affect Analysis: Audio and Autism”, invited talk, Pre-Conference on Affective Computing, 2017 SAS Annual Conference, Society for Affective Science (SAS), Boston, MA, 27.04.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Big Data, Deep Learning, Big Opportunities, Deep Insights”, invited talk, msg roundtable machine learning – Chancen nutzen im Zeitalter smarter IT, msg systems AG, Ismaning, Germany, 25.04.2017.
Björn Schuller: “The Rise of Artificial Emotional & Social Intelligence”, invited talk,Nanjing Intelligent Multimedia Information Technology Seminar, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, China, 07.04.2017.
Björn Schuller: “How is Affective Computing for Child Development Developping?”, invited talk, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 05.04.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Why Your Voice Tells it (almost) All: Three Essential Lessons Taught by Machines”, invited talk, Symposium “The Powerful Social Voice”, 2nd biennial International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Association for Psychological Science, Vienna, Austria, 23.-25.03.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Smartwatch, MD? Making your watch look after you.”, invited talk, Computing Lunch Talks, Imperial College London, London, UK, 15.02.2017.
Björn Schuller: “Playfully Learning with Humans: On Emotions and Efficiency”, invited talk, Summit on Human Problem Solving and Artificial Intelligence, Aarhus University, Sandbjerg, Denmark, 28.-30.11.2016.
Björn Schuller: “The Voice of Consumers: On Emotions & Sentiment”, invited talk, “Orange Hour”, GfK, Essen, Germany, 15.11.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Hearing the People: Deep Paralinguistics”, invited talk, ChaLearn Looking at People ECCV Workshop 2016, held in conjunction with ECCV 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 09.10.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Audition: When Machines Learn to Listen”, invited taster talk, Open Day, Imperial College London, London, UK, 17.09.2016.
Björn Schuller: “How to Make Machines Listen More like We Would”, invited talk, Google, New York City, NY, 11.07.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Enter Dr Smart Gear: Intelligent Monitoring of Health and Wellbeing in the Wild”, invited talk, Augsburg University, Augsburg, Germany, 22.06.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning – Tiefe Einblicke in die KI von Morgen”, webinale – the holistic web conference, emerging technology day, Berlin, Germany, 30.05.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Listening to the Voice of Consumers”, invited talk, “Orange Hour”, GfK, Frankfurt, Germany, 19.04.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Machine Listening for Medical Applications”, invited talk, iDN quarterly, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 29.03.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Speech Processing at Imperial College London”, invited talk, SpeechLab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China, 21.03.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Affective & Behavioural Computing: Into the Deep”, invited talk, National Tsing Hua University, Hsin-Chu City, Taiwan, 17.03.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Music: The shorthand of Emotion – Readable to Computers?”, invited talk, Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 16.03.2016.
Björn Schuller: “Big Data – Deep Learning: Efficiency is Key”, invited talk, “Data Science and Engineering”, TUM, Munich, Germany, 27.11.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Sound Affects.”, invited talk, LIRIS Workshop on Emotion, Ecole Centrale de Lyon/Technicolor, Lyon, France, 12.11.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Emotions in the Voice: Making them Accessible for Consumer Research”, invited talk, “Orange Hour”, GfK, Hamburg, Germany, 22.10.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Audio and textual analysis of sentiment”, invited talk, Cognitive Computing Workshop 2015, London, UK, 02.10.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Emotion Detection, Sentiment Analysis”, invited talk, Chase IT Services, London, UK, 01.10.2015.
Björn Schuller: “What the Voice tells about the Face and the Heart”, invited talk, International Symposium on Companion-Technology (ISCT 2015, Expert Workshop of the SFB-TR 62 “Companion-Technologie für kognitive technische Systeme”), Session “Multimodalität”), Ulm, Germany, 23.-25.09.2015.
Björn Schuller: “How to Build an Intelligent Machine”, invited talk, Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015 (AMNC, “Summer Davos”), BetaZone Session, World Economic Forum (WEF), DaLian, P.R. China, 11.09.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Machines’ Learning on Social Behaviour Sensing”, invited talk, SMART School on Computational Social and Behavioral Sciences, Paris, France, 31.08.-04.09.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Cooperatively and Deeply Learning Cognitive Systems”, invited talk, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany, 09.07.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Intelligent Systems”, invited talk, WiN:TeLeKT, University of Passau, Passau, Germany, 30.06.2015.
Björn Schuller: “A.E.I.: Artificial Emotional Intelligence”, invited inaugural lecture, University of Passau, Passau, Germany, 09.06.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Sounds of Autism and Depression: On Recognition and Feedback Generation”, invited tele-talk, Applied Signal Processing in Mental Health Workshop, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 04.-05.05.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Subject, Emotion & Sentiment Analysis “in the Wild””, invited talk, GfK, Nürnberg, Germany, 14.04.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Rich Multi-sensorial Human State, Trait, and Behaviour Analysis for Computational Psychophysiology”, invited talk, 2015 International Symposium on Computational Psychophysiology, Jinan, Shandong Province, China, 03.-06.04.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Help Your Robot Understand You: Cooperative Learning for Computational Paralinguistics”, invited talk, NII Shonan Meeting: The Future of Human-Robot Spoken Dialogue: from Information Services to Virtual Assistants, Seminar 059, Shonan Village Center, Japan, 25.–28.03.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Implicit Consumer Tagging: The Voice”, invited talk, “Orange Hour”, GfK, Munich, Germany, 16.04.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Efficient Weakly-Supervised Learning at Signal’s Edge”, invited talk, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 19.01.2015.
Björn Schuller: “Introduction W3C Community Group”, invited talk, “Emotion representation and modelling in Human-Computer-Interaction-Systems” (ERM4HCI 2014) held in conjunction with the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 16.11.2014.
Björn Schuller and Hatice Gunes: “Organising Challenges: Achievements, Experiences, and the Future”, invited talk, The first international audio/visual Mapping Personality Traits Challenge & Workshop (MAPTRAITS 2014), held in conjunction with ACM ICMI 2014, ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 12.11.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Multimodal Human State and Trait Recognition: Quo plures, eo feliciores?”, invited talk, Turkish German Multimodal Interaction Summit (TGMIS), pre-conference event of ACM ICMI 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 11.11.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Professoren Persönlich: Björn Schuller”, invited talk, “Professoren Persönlich”, IEEE Student Branch, University of Passau, Germany, 06.11.2014.
Björn Schuller: “On Autism, Beats of the Heart, Cancer, Depression, Eye-contact and the Voice”, invited talk, MindTech network for research on mental health solutions and the School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 16.07.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Deep Learning the Blues”, invited talk, Computing Lunch Talks, Imperial College London, London, UK, 11.06.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Joining Maths & Music for DJ Computer”, invited talk, How maths drives computing, Imperial College London, London, UK, 11.06.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Towards Big Data Customer Profiling & Sentiment Analysis”, invited talk, GfK’s Tech & Trend Scouting Event, GfK, Berlin, Germany, 28.04.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Medizintechnische Sprachanalyse: Beginn einer neuen Ära?”, invited talk, “Elektronik für ein gesundes Leben”, AKML (VDE Arbeitskreis Medizintechnik & LifeScience Electronic im Bezirksverein Südbayern), Munich, Germany, 15.07.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Grasping Players’ Emotions: A Serious Game?”, invited talk, GaME 2014: Imperial College’s Games and Media Event, London, UK, 06.06.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Deep for Big: Life-Long Cooperative Learning for Intelligent Sequential Data Analysis”, invited talk, Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany, 06.06.2014.
Björn Schuller: “En Route to Holistic Intelligent Connected Mobility”, invited talk, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, 31.03.2014.
Björn Schuller: “A Holistic Perspective on Complex Systems, Machine Learning & Signal Processing: Emergence Inherent.”, invited talk, University of Passau, Passau, Germany, 24.01.2014.
Björn Schuller: “ERC-Starting Grants in Horizon 2020 – Erfahrungsbericht”, invited talk, TUM, Garching, Germany, 11.02.2014.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Audio Analysis: A Status Quo”, invited talk, Affective Computing and Social Signal Processing in the UK (AC@UK 2013), London, UK, 16.12.2013.
Björn Schuller: “Affective Information & Communication Technology – Horizon 2020”, invited talk, ICT LEIT in H2020 Info Day & International Brokerage Event Koc University, Istanbul, 05.-06.12.2013.
Björn Schuller: “Acoustic Cues of Human Personality Traits”, invited talk, Queen Mary University London, London, UK, 04.12.2013.
Björn Schuller: “Interactive software to help children with Autism understand and express emotions through facial expressions, tone-of-voice and body gestures”, invited talk, Festival della Scienza, Genoa, Italy, 25.10.2013.
Björn Schuller: “Acoustic Features in Affective Speech Analysis: History and a Dash of Future”, invited talk, Workshop on Measuring affect and emotion in vocal communication via acoustic feature extraction: State of the art, current research, and benchmarking, Geneva, Switzerland, 01.-02.09.2013.
Björn Schuller: “Machine Learning 4 Holistic Evolutionary Audio Recognising”, invited talk, Symposium Machine Learning, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 04.04.2013.
Björn Schuller: “Approaching Active and Autonomous Automatic Audiovisual Affect Analysis”, invited talk, University College London, London, UK, 06.03.2013.
Björn Schuller: “Active, Semi-Supervised, and Transfer Learning and other Tricks to Reduce Labeling Costs”, invited tele-talk, Affectiva, Waltham, MA, 10.12.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Towards Holistic Autonomus Machines’ Learning”, invited talk, Imperial College London, London, UK, 09.11.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Acoustic Geo- and Emotion-Sensing: Streets of Graz”, invited talk, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria, 23.10.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Affective and Social Computing: Audivi, Vidi, …, Vici?”, invited talk, Graz University of Technology (TUG), Graz, Austria, 11.10.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Computer Audition – Next Stop: Universality”, invited talk, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 04.09.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Intelligent Audio Analysis – Innovative Verfahren der Signalverarbeitung und Maschinellen Intelligenz”, invited talk, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria, 10.07.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Intelligent and Social Audio Processing”, invited talk, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, 03.07.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Machines Recognising Our Emotion”, invited talk, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 03.04.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Machine Listening & Learning”, invited talk, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 04.04.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Recent Intelligent Audio Analysis”, invited talk, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 04.04.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Huanyíng dào mìníhei jìshù dàxué”, invited talk, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 05.04.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Intelligente multisensorische Systeme zur sozial kompetenten Interaktion”, invited talk, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 24.04.2012.
Björn Schuller: “The Machine Listening Challenge”, invited talk, Honda Research Institute Europe, Offenbach am Main, Germany, 06.03.2012.
Björn Schuller: “Virtual Companions: Socially Competent Input Analysis”, invited talk, SFB Kollogium SFB “Eine Companion Technologie für kognitive technische Systeme”, University of Ulm, Germany, 20.02.2012.
Björn Schuller: “ASC-Inclusion – The “Case”, Initiatives and Impact”, invited talk, Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (DGEI) Expert Workshop, JRC-IPTS, Seville, Spain, 23.-24.01.2012.
Björn Schuller: “When Machines Open Ears: Speech, Music, and Sound Analysis”, invited talk, Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 09.12.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Injecting Memory into Semantic Signal Processing”, invited talk, NICTA, Sydney/Canberra, Australia, 01.12.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Computational Affect Analysis: Voice, Words, and the Face”, invited talk, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 29.11.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Machines Learning to Listen”, invited talk, NICTA, Sydney, Australia, 28.11.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Engineering Paralinguistics: And Next … the Transparent Speaker?”, invited talk, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Sprachforschung (ZefiS), Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany, 21.12.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Semantic Speech, Music, and Sound Processing in the Real Life”, invited talk, Frierich Alexander University / Fraunhofer IIS within the Seminar “Elektrotechnik”, Erlangen, Germany, 20.09.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Support Vector Machines … in a Nutshell”, invited talk, Promotionsprogramm “Empirische Sprachverarbeitung”, Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, 01.07.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Communication Homme-Machine – Machine ou Compagnon?”, invited talk, Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6, Paris, France, 05.04.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Audiovisual Recognition of Affect and Non-verbals – Experiences and Directions”, invited talk, University of California San Diego (UCSD), Computer Vision and Robotics Research (CVRR) Group, San Diego, CA, USA, 28.03.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Next Gen Music Analysis: Some Inspirations from Speech”, invited talk, Multimodal Music Processing, Seminar 11041, Dagstuhl, Germany, 23.-28.01.2011.
Björn Schuller: “Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks for Audio and Video Analysis – An Introduction and Recent Successes”, invited talk, Imperial College London, Department of Computing, London, UK, 15.09.2010.
Björn Schuller: “Emotion in Speech: A Look Around the Corner”, invited talk, Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 21.06.2010.
Björn Schuller: “Paralinguistics in Real-life Speech: On the Way to Unified Analysis”, invited talk, CNRS-LIMSI, Orsay, France, 23.03.2010.
Björn Schuller: “Processing Conversational Speech – About Joy, Interest, and Laughter”, invited talk, CNRS-LTCI, Institut TELECOM – TELECOM ParisTech, Paris, France, 21.01.2010.
Björn Schuller: “New Avenues for Sensing Affect in Spoken Language”, invited talk, University of Augsburg, Multimedia Concepts and Applications, Institute of Computer Science, Augsburg, Germany, 25.09.2009.
Björn Schuller: “Intelligent Audio Signal Analysis: From Learning to Features”, invited talk, Frierich Alexander University within the Seminar “Elektrotechnik”, Lehrstuhl für Multimediakommunikation und Signalverarbeitung, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 28.07.2009.
Björn Schuller: “Audiovisual Data Processing for Robust Human-Machine-Communication and Media Retrieval”, invited talk, Max Planck Institut Informatik (MPI-Inf), Saarbrücken, Germany, 17.03.2009.
Björn Schuller: “Maschinelles Lernen in der Analyse Kognitiver Daten”, invited talk, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft, Neubiberg, Germany, 12.02.2009.
Björn Schuller: “Capturing and Processing of Multimodal Data for Interaction, Segmentation and Surveillance Tasks”, invited talk, Otto-von-Guericke University, Chair for Cognitive Systems / Speech Recognition, Magdeburg, Germany, 17.11.2008.
Björn Schuller: “Speech and Emotion: Hvor skal du hen? – History and Future of Automatic Emotion Recognition”, invited talk, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Forschungszentrum Stimme und Emotion, Institut für Psychologie, Kiel, Germany, 15.05.2008.
Björn Schuller: “Quickskip: Robustes Audiothumbnailing – Effiziente Extraktion von Songteasern”, invited talk, Press Conference of the 5. Heidelberg Innovation Forum, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH, Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, Germany, 27.11.2007.
Björn Schuller: “Quickskip: Robust Audiothumbnailing for Fast Music Browsing”, invited talk, 5. Heidelberger Innovationsforum, Panel Session Interface Technology, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH, Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, Germany, 27.11.2007.
Björn Schuller: “Laugh, Cough, Cry: Recognition of Non-linguistic Vocalizations”, invited talk, 5. Heidelberg Innovation Forum, Panel Session Semantic Technologies & Speech Recognition, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH, Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, Germany, 28.11.2007.
Björn Schuller: “Audiovisual Recognition of Spontaneous Interest”, invited talk, Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota City, Japan, 09.11.2007.
Björn Schuller: “Audiovisual Emotion Recognition – Towards Real Life Usage”, invited talk, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 02.07.2007.
Björn Schuller: “Audiovisuelle Emotionserkennung – Grundlagen und aktuelle Entwicklungen”, invited talk, Fraunhofer IITB, Karlsruhe, Germany, 06.06.2007.
Björn Schuller: “Automatic Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Spoken and Manual Interaction”, invited talk, Chair for Cognitive Systems / Speech Recognition, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany, 20.10.2006.
Björn Schuller: “Automatische Emotionserkennung aus sprachlicher und manueller Interaktion”, invited lecture, course for graduate students on Communications Engineering, Technische Universität München, Institute for Communications Engineering, Munich, Germany, 18.01.2006.
Björn Schuller: “Inhaltsbasierte Musiksuche in einer multimodalen Systemarchitektur”, GI-Jahrestagung 2005, Symposium Musikinformatik, Bonn, Germany, 21.09.2005.
Björn Schuller: “Integration of semantic and prosodic aspects in the recognition of emotions in natural language”, invited lecture, course for graduate students on Communication and Emotion, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, 03.07.2003.
Björn Schuller: “Sprachverarbeitung im Fahrzeug”, invited talk, AUDI AG Vorentwicklung, Ingolstadt, Germany, 13.11.2003.
Björn Schuller: “Natürlichsprachliche Interaktion und Emotionserkennung im Fahrzeug”, invited talk and technical demonstration, “Bedienkonzepte 2010: Multimodal – fehlerrobust – adaptiv”, BMW Group, FIZ, Munich, Germany, 27.03.2002.
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The 1st INTERSPEECH Mice Autism Detection via Ultrasound Vocalisation (MAD-UV) Challenge @ INTERSPEECH 2025