Past Courses

WiT: Winter Term, SpT: Spring Term, SuT: Summer Term
WS: Winter Semester, SS: Summer Semester

  1. Digital Health
    (5 ECTS, SS 2021 – SS 2023) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  2. Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition
    (10 hours: 21.05.-18.06.2021, 10.09.-08.10.2021, 28.01.-25.02.2022, 13.05.-10.06.2022, 15.07.-12.08.2022, 16.09.-14.10.2022, 13.01.-17.02.2023, 14 hours: 31.03.-19.05.2023, 26.05.-09.07.2023) held online for Chinese students within the Neoscholar Education Group CIS International Elite Mentorship Program (IEMP)
  3. Artificial Intelligence
    (5 ECTS, WS 2020/21 – SS 2023) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  4. Deep Learning
    (5 ECTS, SS 2019 – SS 2023) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  5. Speech Pathology
    (5 ECTS, WS 2018/19 – SS 2023) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  6. Intelligente Signalanalyse in der Medizin / Intelligent Signal Analysis in Medicine
    (5 ECTS, WS 2017/18 – SS 2023) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  7. Artificial Intelligence Advanced Research
    (20 hours, 31.07.-09.08.2023) held in Nanjing, China within the Neoscholar Education Group 2023 Neoscholar Summer Program Advanced Research Guidance Course
  8. Artificial Intelligence Foundations
    (20 hours, 31.07.-09.08.2023) held in Nanjing, China within the Neoscholar Education Group 2023 Neoscholar Summer Program Foundations Course
  9. Introduction to Core Technologies of AI
    (12 hours within 19.04.-14.06.2023), held online for students of Hubei University of Technology, China, within the Neoscholar Education Group Program
  10. Machine Learning & Data Science
    (24 hours within 16.07.-07.10.2022), held online for Chinese students within the Neoscholar Education Group CIS Online Research Program
  11. Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition
    (24 hours, 22.01.-28.02.2021) held online for Chinese students within the Neoscholar Education Group University Online Program
  12. Deep Learning
    (18 lectures, SpT 2019, SpT 2020) held at Imperial College London in London/UK with Prof. Michael Bronstein and Dr Stefanos Zafeiriou
  13. Machine Learning and Data Science (MLDS)
    (33 hours, 19.01.-14.02.2020) held with the Workshop Programme of Cantab Academy, London/UK with Dr Ognjen Rudovic
  14. Speech & Audio Analysis for Health
    (8 hours, WiT 2019) held at University of Oulu in Oulu/Finland
  15. Computer Hardware
    (18 lectures, WiT 2013 – WiT 2018) held at Imperial College London/UK with Prof. Duncan Fyfe Gillies (until 2018) and Dr Bernhard Kainz (since 2018)
  16. Music Informatics
    (5 ECTS, SS 2018) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany with Dr Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro
  17. Lecture Series AI & Deep Learning for Wellbeing
    (Overview of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning – Deep Learning and Human Wellbeing – Platforms and Techniques for Deep Learning)
    (9 hours, 08.-09.07.2019) held within the Summer School for Zhejiang University Students, Wedge Education, London/UK
  18. Lecture Series AI & Deep Learning in Health & Beyond
    (Overview of AI and application areas, Deep learning for health and wellbeing, Deep learning techniques)
    (9 hours, 08.-10.08.2018) held within the Summer School for Zhejiang University Students, Wedge Education, London/UK
  19. Intelligent Biosignal Sensing  
    (05.04.2017) graduate-level block lecture held at Southeast University in Nanjing/P.R. China
  20. Lecture Series on Complex Intelligent Interactive & Affective Computing
    (Human-Computer/Robot-Interaction, Intelligent Audio Analysis, Complex Systems, Affective Computing, Machine Learning)
    (20 hours, 24.-28.10.2016, studies: Fundamental Sciences, Electronics, Mechanics, Civil Engineering) held at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in Vilnius/Lithuania
  21. Introduction to Automatic Speech Recognition
    (5 ECTS, WS 2016/17) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany with Dr. Amr Mousa
  22. Intelligent Audio Analysis
    (5 ECTS, SS 2015 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  23. Seminar Sports Informatics (Bachelor)
    (4 ECTS, SS 2018 – WS 2019/20) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  24. Seminar Sports Informatics (Master)
    (4 ECTS, SS 2018 – WS 2019/20) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  25. Seminar Computer Audition (Bachelor)
    (4 ECTS, SS 2018 – WS 2019/20) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  26. Seminar Computer Audition (Master)
    (4 ECTS, SS 2018 – WS 2019/20) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  27. Seminar Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing (Bachelor)
    (4 ECTS, WS 2017/18 – WS 2019/20) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  28. Seminar Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing (Master)
    (4 ECTS, WS 2017/18 – WS 2019/20) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  29. Praktikum Mobile Application Development
    (5 ECTS, SS 2018) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  30. Praktikum Computational Intelligence
    (5 ECTS, WS 2017/18) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  31. Praktikum Mobile Sensing for Fitness and Wellbeing
    (5 ECTS, WS 2017/18, WS 2018/19) held at the University of Augsburg in Augsburg/Germany
  32. Blockseminar Affective and Behavioral Computing
    (3 ECTS, WS 2016/17 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  33. Blockseminar Intelligent Systems
    (3 ECTS, SS 2015 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  34. Lab Course Intelligent Systems
    (5 ECTS, SS 2015 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  35. Lab Course Mobile Embedded Systems
    (WS 2015/16 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  36. Master Seminar on Complex and Intelligent Systems
    (Seminar Komplexe und Intelligente Systeme)

    (4 ECTS, SS 2015 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  37. Bachelor Seminar on Complex and Intelligent Systems
    (Seminar Komplexe und Intelligente Systeme)

    (4 ECTS, SS 2015 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  38. Seminar on Complex and Intelligent Systems
    (Oberseminar Komplexe und Intelligente Systeme)

    (4 ECTS, WS 2015/16 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  39. Complex Systems Engineering
    (7 ECTS, WS 2014/15 – WS 2016/17) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  40. Lab Course Programming in Java
    (Übung Programmierung in Java)
    (5 ECTS, WS 2014/15 – SS 2017) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  41. Computing Topics
    (8 sessions, SpT 2015) held at Imperial College London/UK with others
  42. PMT Logic, Reasoning about Programs, and Discrete Mathematics
    (10 sessions, SpT 2014, SpT 2015) held at Imperial College London/UK
  43. Academic Writing for Computer Science
    (8 sessions, SpT 2014) held at Imperial College London/UK with others
    Supervised students:
    Akara Supratak (SpT 14): Transfer Learning
  44. Statistical Communication Techniques: Filtering – Estimation – Decision
    (Statistische Informationstechnik: Filtern – Schätzen – Entscheiden)

    (28 hours, 18.-20.06.2013, 19.-21.06.2012) held at the Carl-Cranz-Gesellschaft in Oberpfaffenhofen/Germany with Prof. Kristian Kroschel and Prof. Gerhard Rigoll
  45. Machine Speech Signal Processing
    (Maschinelle Sprachsignalverarbeitung)

    (6 ECTS, SS 2014) held at TUM in Munich/Germany
  46. Direction Hauptseminar on Current Questions in Human-Machine-Communication
    (Hauptseminar Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)

    (5 ECTS, SS 2013 – SS 2014) held at TUM in Munich/Germany
  47. Direction Seminar on Human-Machine Communication
    (Oberseminar Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)

    (3 ECTS, SS 2010 – SS 2014) held at TUM in Munich/Germany
  48. Direction Seminar on Work in Progress In Human-Machine Communication
    (Oberseminar Laufende Arbeiten zur Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)

    (3 ECTS, SS 2002 – SS 2014) held at TUM in Munich/Germany
  49. Computer Architecture

    (5 ECTS, SS 2013) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  50. Fundamentals of Information Technology
    (Grundlagen der Informationstechnik)

    (7 ECTS, SS 2013) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  51. Seminar on Intelligent Mobile Sensing
    (Seminar Intelligente Mobile Sensorik)

    (4 ECTS, SS 2013) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
  52. Automatic Pattern Recognition in Speech Processing
    (Mustererkennung in der Sprachverarbeitung)

    (3 ECTS, SS 2009 – SS 2011) held at TUM in Munich/Germany
  53. Digital Processing of Speech Signals
    (Digitale Verarbeitung von Sprachsignalen)

    (3 ECTS, SS 2009 – SS 2011) held at TUM in Munich/Germany
  54. Intelligent Audio Analysis
    (20 hours, 11.-15.04.2011) held at the Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona/Italy (ERASMUS lecturer mobility programme)
  55. Pattern Recognition
    (4.5 ECTS, SS 2008)
  56. Electrical Engineering (Elektrotechnik) at the Munich University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule München) in Munich/Germany, Faculty 05
    (7.5 ECTS, SS 2008)
  57. Participant Two-year Program PROLEHRE Intensiv
    (WS 2006/07 – SS 2009)
  58. Assistance (WS 2005/06 – WS 2008/09) Lecture Automatic Pattern Recognition in Speech Processing (Mustererkennung in der Sprachverarbeitung)
  59. Assistance (WS 2005/06 – WS 2008/09) Lecture Data Analysis and Information Reduction (Datenanalyse und Informationsreduktion)
  60. Assistance (WS 2005/06 – WS 2008/09) Lecture Digital Processing of Speech Signals (Digitale Verabeitung von Sprachsignalen)
  61. Direction (WS 99/00 – SS 07) Main Tutorial Signal Representation (Zentralübung Signaldarstellung)
  62. Direction (WS 99/00 – SS 07) Tutorial Signal Representation (Tutorübung Signaldarstellung)
  63. Introduction and Direction (WS 99/00 – SS 07) English Tutorial Signal Representation
  64. Direction (WS 03/04) Hauptseminar on Current Questions in Human-Machine-Communication ( Hauptseminar Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)
    Supervised students:
    Norbert Binder (WS 00/01): Fehlerrobuste Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion
    Stephan Reiter (SS 01): Usability Engineering – Potential und Technik
    Florian Hörger (WS 01/02): Grundfrequenz F0 eines Sprachsignals – Potenzial und Schätzung
    Philipp Huber (SS 02): Automatische Emotionserkennung aus dem Sprachsignal
    Ronald Müller (WS 02/03): Query by humming als musikalische Benutzerschnittstelle
    Philippe Dupraz (WS 03/04): Emotionserkennung in natürlichsprachlichen Äußerungen
    Michael Höchstetter (SS 06): Verfahren zur automatischen Transkription von Musikstücken
    Florian Eyben (SS 07): Rhythmusmerkmale in der Musiksuche
    Benedikt Gollan (SS 08): Automatische Erkennung der Tonart in MP3 Audiostücken
  65. Direction (WS 99/00 – SS 02) Laboratory Course on System and Circuit Design 1
    ( Praktikum System- und Schaltungstechnik 1)

    V2: Signalerfassung und -analyse
  66. Direction (WS 99/00 – SS 02) Laboratory Course on System and Circuit Design 2
    (Praktikum System- und Schaltungstechnik 2)

    V9: Entwurf und Realisierung analoger und digitaler Filter
  67. Experiment Direction Laboratory Practical Aspects of Human-Machine Communication ( Praktikum Praxis der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)
    Adaption von emotionaler Sprache (SS 05)
    Automatische Multimodale Emotionserkennung (SS 04)
    Emotionale Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (SS 02)
    Design eines natürlichsprachlichen MMIs (SS 01, WS 01/02)
    Experimente mit einem Spracherkennungssystem (WS 00/01)


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